# 23 - Olivier Goy (October) - Navigate "up close" to VSEs and SMEs and support them in their growth
Description of the episode
Olivier introduces us to October (formerly Lendix), the European lending platform that allows European VSEs and SMEs to borrow from savers and institutions. The latter looks back on the creation in 2014 of this company, present and regulated in 5 countries. One of October's specificities is its positioning as private and institutional investors, which includes the European Investment Fund among its lenders. We discover the user experience on the lender and borrower side, but also behind the scenes of the platform and in particular the risk scoring calculation algorithms. This "savings erasmus" allows companies to lend amounts of EUR 30 to EUR 000 million, for various financing projects, thus allowing a diversification of its portfolio. Finally, Olivier shares with us his vision on the necessary evolution of lending and the banking industry. We leave with a foundation to support by buying a book. Photo5Food is the name of the foundation that Olivier created with his wife. This foundation promotes young photographic artists who have donated some of their works to it. Thanks to their generosity and the fruit of the sale of these photos, Photo4Food can support associations mobilized against poverty and hunger.

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