Fintech Tour 2018-2019 I Brest I 22 Nov, 18

November 15, 2018 | Our Past Events

The French Tech #Fintech Thematic network, supported by 5 national and local initiatives (France FinTech, Finance Innovation, French Tech Brest +, French Tech Montpellier, LORnTech), wishes to contribute to the growth of more nuggets from our regions.

Its members are working to carry out 5 structuring actions in their Roadmap, with the objective of the growth and influence of FinTech startups in France and internationally.
The 8th stage will take place on Thursday 22 November in Brest: 

Its theme will be “Diversity and human capital”. This evening is free and open to all.


Program : 

18h: Welcome
18h : Opening of the Fintech Tour by Frédéric Nicolas, French Tech Brest + regional delegate
18h : Start of the session by Anne-Laure Navéos, French Tech Fintech thematic referent, External Growth, Partnerships and Digital Director - Arkéa
18h : Panorama of diversity in Tech / Fintech by Clara Prouillac, France FinTech
: Round table: "For an inclusive and diverse Tech / Fintech: relying on all talents to meet the challenges of tomorrow"
with Laure Nemée - CTO of Leetchi, Erwan Le Mené - co-founder of EcoTree, Gaïdig Le Moing - co-founder of We Moë et Mikaël Cabon - Director of training
: Networking Cocktail

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