Harmony Inside
#59 Geoffroy Guigou, Younited: Drawing energy from its mission, and relying on its culture to accomplish it
Description of the episode
For the start of the school year, I have the pleasure of welcoming an exceptional guest on Harmony Inside: Geoffroy Guigou, the co-founder of Younited. Younited is the Next40 scale up that has set itself the task of bringing financial serenity to Europeans. Created in the midst of the financial crisis, Younited first set out to make credit easy, fast and transparent, and is now tackling payment and budget management. With growth of 80 to 100% per year for 10 years, and a last fundraising of $170M in July. To accomplish such a mission, one must grow. And to grow, you need solid foundations! In this episode, Geoffroy tells us: How he created Younited with Charles Egly, and succeeded in becoming the first fintech to obtain an ACPR accreditation; How he was able to preserve his company's culture despite hypergrowth; How his founding role has evolved and continues to do so. The corporate culture has a central place in the success of Younited. If you still doubted it, this episode will convince you! Many thanks to Geoffroy for this episode!

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