French Fintech meet European Commissioner Jonathan Hill

March 15, 2016 | Press Releases

The European Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and the Capital Markets Union, Jonathan Hill, spoke with representatives of French fintechs this Friday, March 11 in Paris.

During a dedicated breakfast organized at the Permanent Representation of the European Commission, the entrepreneurs discussed topics related to the financing of the economy and the growth of Fintech in Europe. More specifically, certain issues were raised on the themes of crowdlending, payments and on the ongoing European consultations, in particular the Green Paper on retail financial services.

The Commissioner underlined his willingness to listen to FinTechs in the discussions underway on financial services and welcomed the contributions made.

This meeting enabled the European Commission to better understand the concrete challenges facing FinTech companies so that the European regulatory framework can promote innovation and growth. French Fintechs point out the need to have regulations adapted to new business models to allow the emergence of future European champions.

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