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#FFT21: [Scale-up scene] Closing speech and Pitch awards ceremony

#FFT21: [Scale-up scene] Closing speech and Pitch awards ceremony
To end this beautiful day, find the closing speech of Alain Clot, President of France Fintech as well as the Presentation of the Pitches Prizes. The 3 fintech winners were announced and rewarded on stage on October 14 by Alain Clot and Claire Calmejane.

#FFT21: [Tech & Professions Plenary] Savings: finally getting out of the Middle Ages!

#FFT21: [Tech & Professions Plenary] Savings: finally getting out of the Middle Ages!
Covid, containment, restrictions, for more than 18 months the French have been accumulating cash like never before! Their savings rate has reached unmatched records since 1975. However, the major part of this cumulative savings (more than 140 billion additional euros in 2020) sleeps in current accounts or regulated passbooks. Paradox? Would the French not be seasoned to properly manage and grow their savings? Are the products offered to them too complex? Does the savings offer still meet the expectations of the French?

#FFT21: [Tech & Business Plenary] Trust = Finance = Cybersecurity

#FFT21: [Tech & Business Plenary] Trust = Finance = Cybersecurity
Servers, data centers, cloud, SaaS are at the center of the strategy of all financial and fintech institutions today - Cyber ​​security is at the heart of the main problems these companies face, but it also represents huge opportunities for new technology companies. What are the new trends, the latest innovations, how will the cloud model impact the financial sector?

#FFT21: [Tech & Business Plenary] Does unregulated credit have a future?

#FFT21: [Tech & Business Plenary] Does unregulated credit have a future?
Unregulated credit is currently one of the most highly valued sectors in fintech, as it combines credit spreads with the explosive growth of payments and e-commerce… However, regulators want to regulate these products as soon as possible “ Buy Now Pay Later", sometimes accused of contributing to over-indebtedness. In the United Kingdom, deputies want to attack "Klarnage"; in Brussels, the commission published its proposal for the revision of the consumer credit directive by regulating, for example, small credits. BNPL: the end of the state of grace?

#FFT21: [Talents & Management Plenary] The future of work: what place for the human?

#FFT21: [Talents & Management Plenary] The future of work: what place for people?
France, a country with little robotics, is catching up. Will this acceleration take place via a partial or total eviction of humans? What could be the role of hybridization? What new professions is this major trend creating? What will be the share of soft skills, emotional and relational intelligence?

#FFT21: [Talents & Management Plenary] The figure of the entrepreneur

#FFT21: [Talents & Management Plenary] The figure of the entrepreneur
The entrepreneur new hero of the media and the younger generations. Sometimes over-publicized, and treated like gurus, they can be affected by hubris, even though their business has not yet reached cruising speed. Interests and risks of too strong an embodiment of the model? Sustainability and collegial management, phasing of the development of the start-up? : What feedback?

#FFT21: [Talents & Management Plenary] Creating your fintech: is there a recipe?

#FFT21: [Talents & Management Plenary] Creating your fintech: is there a recipe?
Crossed views - Creating your fintech: is there a recipe? More than 700 fintech in France, +20% in 2021. The analysis shows almost as many launch methods as entrepreneurs: solo, duo, trio, alone or accompanied, technological or commercial priority, etc. What major families of fix? False good ideas?

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